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One of our barns | Young Riders GoldChef, Sean Crooks Zone 9, Sara Nordstrom, Jennifer Gates, Chef Zone 1 John Brennan, Mckayla Langmeier, Tori Arute, Amy Momrow, Hannah Patten | Handsome Conington loves his window | Sean Nick Norm GP Hampton Classic |
Infrared Heat Lamp | Walker | navare | Office |
Oldies but goodies | Armegedon GP WEF | Cincinatti | Young Riders Sara Nordstrom ConyTeam Gold Individual 8th place |
C'est Ci Bon IV winning at Spruce | Armegedon 4* GP Spruce Meadows | Navare Wins FEI class at Spruce Meadows | Armegedon |
Armegedon GP WIHS 8th Place | Cincinatti La Silla GP of New YorkFinished 8th Place | Navare | Navare Mackenzie Audino |
Clearview Outdoor Arena | Armegedon Spruce Meadows | Best View | Ziezo over the Water |
A pet for the mare | Amant du Chateau | The Farm | Treadmill |
Toys for Tots donation party |
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